Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Essay on the Internet on Human Psychology

Essay on the Internet on Human Psychology Spread of the Internet on Human Psychology Dec 20, 2018 in Psychology Is Google Making Us Stupid? The article by Nicholas Carr, the author of a very interesting book The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, From Edison to Google, published in the year of 2008, is thoroughly discussing the effects, made by computerizing in general. It touches upon the spread of the Internet on human psychology, and particularly, on the way people comprehend written information on the cognitive function of the brain. The author starts with analyzing his own feelings regarding reading habits, which, as he feels, have changed, since he started to actively use computer and the Internet. According to the authors observations, he started to find it difficult to read longer fractions of written text. He explains it as a result of being used to surf information online. Carr explains that by browsing the Internet, we hardly stop at a particular place, and allow ourselves to be absorbed by the reading. Deep reading, as the author calls it, is not the case any more.